Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

A Word From The Director

“Ask ME for the nations, and every nation shall belong to you”

(Psalm 2:8 CEV).


The PRAYER TASK FORCE ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions encompasses every nation! I have been asked to direct this work that will mobilize an intercessory fasting and prayer network throughout the United States and eventually around the world. An added dimension is that we will coordinate prayer journeys to help spread the gospel into “special needs” areas of the world. After serving the Arkansas District Assemblies of God as Secretary/Treasurer and District Missions Director for the past 16 years, I have transitioned to a new assignment with Assemblies of God World Missions beginning July 1, 2010. The World Mission Committee has approved us, as directors of the World Missions Prayer Task Force.

We are faced with one of the greatest challenges of our lives. We have been asked to mobilize a large network of prayer groups and individuals to become part of the World Missions Prayer Task Force.” The primary focus of the Prayer Task Force is to fast and pray as intercessors for specific projects and needs around the world. We will, also, recruit and coordinate small groups to travel throughout the world on prayer assignments. Traveling from Little Rock, Arkansas, we will promote this prayer ministry throughout the United States among the Assemblies of God Churches. This is our second assignment in Assemblies of God World Missions. The first was to Belize, Central America between 1965 and 1969. During the past 41 years, we have spent 25 years as pastors and since October 1994, I have been part of the Arkansas District Leadership Team.

Here are ways that you can help:

1. Consider prayerfully about a commitment to become a part of this PRAYER TASK FORCE network. We need individuals, Church congregations, prayer chains, prayer groups and prayer organizations to join in this world-shaking prayer effort.

2. We must not delay in fasting and praying for the Nations, beginning with America and extending to the world. If an individual, by fasting and prayer will be revived by the HOLY SPIRIT, then Churches can be revived, and if Churches are revived then communities and cities can be affected by revival! We can see countries opened to the gospel and revival can happen, for GOD said, “IF MY PEOPLE, which are called by MY NAME, will humble themselves (fast) and pray…” (1 Chronicles 7:14).

3. Pray for us, that we will have open doors to present this message and that the HOLY SPIRIT will enable us to effectively coordinate the PRAYER TASK FORCE NETWORK by by having someone to fast a meal a week, or preferably a day each week! Please send a email indicating which meal or day you will be fasting for the Nations of the world. Everyone should pray daily.

Thank you for your prayers and support.