Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Our Purpose

What is the Ministry and Mission of the Prayer Task Force?

As a ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions, PTF enlists and mobilizes people to support AGWM’s outreach ministry by committing to fasting and prayer for specific needs.

PTF touches people and the world by intercessory prayer and fasting through two major opportunities.

1. Prayer Task Force Network Home Team is committed to raising up powerful home-based prayer force teams to intercede for missionaries, national churches and unreached frontiers.

2. Prayer Task Force Prayer Journeys offer genuine and practical experiences on the mission field through small groups that travel to specific locations to strategically fast and pray. The ministry trip gives a U.S. believer a personal experience to fulfill Christ’s command for world evangelization.


Many people feel that a missionary’s number one need is financial support. But prayer is their first line of defense and support. Prayer Task Force Network Home Team provides the home team advantage to missionaries, national and local ministers, and the nations of the world. As a member of the Home Team you will have the privilege of participating through the PTF web site or through a church group, prayer team or a prayer chain.

To JOIN NOW click on: Become a Prayer Task Force Network Partner

In that PTF emphasizes prayer and fasting, we would suggest that each member of the team fast at least one meal a week minimum, and preferably one day a week, spending the additional time in prayer. There will be special periods of fasting throughout the year in which you may participate. This website can be accessed through the Missions Awareness Team Web site (www.mat.ag.org) or through AG World Missions on the links page.

*****Each member will have an assigned country, state of India or province of China and will also have the option to add areas of interest. Other web site features include specific country-of-the-day, devotions, articles on prayer and fasting, and prayer requests from around the globe.

Sign up NOW: Become a Prayer Task Force Network Partner


If God has called you to intercessory prayer, the Prayer Journey will take you to a place where prayer and fasting are needed most.

Team Plan

The PTF team of 6-12 people travels together and arrives at a designated site to participate in fasting and prayer for specific needs. The team may consist of individuals from around the United States, one district or one church. The journey’s specific purpose may be to support missionaries, assist in a church planting project, break spiritual bondages, or support a crusade or other events. The PTF Network Home Team will also provide essential prayer support.

Team Activities A normal intercessory day begins with prayer sessions from 6 a.m. until noon. Afternoons are often spent in “prayer walks.” Special prayer times are scheduled for missionary families, national leaders, local ministers and others. The group will generally share a meal around 4 or 5 p.m. Evenings are spent in crusade meetings or other special services or are designated times for rest and relaxation. Schedule adjustments are made for each situation according to circumstances and needs.

Team Process The regional director, area director or a missionary requests a team for a specific place and purpose through U.S. Relations in AGWM. After a team is recruited, members also must register with and be approved by AGWM’s Personnel and Family Life office. For more information on AGWM team requirements, go to www.goAG.org.

Each applicant must :

• Be at least 18 years old
• Show evidence of a born again experience
• Have a consistent Christian testimony
• Have the written endorsement of his or her pastor
• Register and obtain insurance through AGWM’s Personnel and Family Life office
• Agree to abide by all AGWM regulations
• Trip expenses are the responsibility of the participant.