Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,


Urgent Prayer Needed for Believers in Iran!

Security forces in Iran have shut down a large Assemblies of God church in Tehran. Officials also recently demanded that church members submit their names and national identification numbers.

A former youth pastor of Tehran’s AG church, currently residing in the U.S., was arrested when traveling into Iran. Though currently not in custody, he remains in Iran awaiting trial.

Imprisoned pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has been ordered to appear before a court on September 8. The proceedings’purpose has not yet been revealed.

Despite this ever-increasing pressure, there is an intense spiritual hunger in Iran and large numbers of Iranians are coming to faith in Christ.

AGWM Executive Director Greg Mundis has appealed to all AG churches in the US to unite in prayer this Sunday for believers who are suffering in Iran.

“The Lord is clearly moving us to an intensified commitment to pray for fellow believers throughout the world who are suffering for Christ,” Mundis says. “It is our responsibility to faithfully intercede for our brothers and sisters who are paying such a great price for His name.”