Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Books on Prayer

There is no substitute for prayer itself. Knowledge of prayer, its methods and many benefits is useless if we dont actually pray. If however we are intent on learning more about the many facets of prayer, there is no shortage of great men and women of God who have demonstrated what it means to have a powerful prayer life. Books on prayer are plentiful and cover a great variety of types of prayer. This book list has as its focus intercessory prayer, missions, and church growth. Additionally we list some of the more contemporary books, classic works on prayer, and those popular in book stores that you may have been hearing about. Our goal is to provide excerpts and reviews to help you in your purchase of books on prayer that are consistent with foundational truths of the scriptures. We hope that this list serves as a resource for your personal devotional life, and also as a resource for the local church pastor, lay leaders, and small group leaders intent on evangelism and discipleship in the local fellowship of Christ followers. Feel free to contribute comments or reviews on books you have read.

Intercessory Prayer

Classic Works on Prayer

Recent / New Releases Popular in Book Stores

Books for Starting a Strong Missions Awareness in Your Congregation

Evangelism and the Role of Prayer

Discipleship & Prayer

Church Growth & Prayer

Small Groups & Prayer

Spiritual Development & Prayer


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